Tuesday 16 August 2011

Judo techniques against the undead...

P 31 of (Max Brooks; "The Zombie Survival Guide; Complete Protection From The Living Dead" Crown Archetype) correctly states the absolutely dire nature of engaging in hand to hand combat with the undead. However, you MUST be prepared for all eventualities. Whilst close encounters are to be avoided at all costs, in practice this may be impossible to abstain from. I will attempt to give some enlightening tips as to how to react to such a catastophe.

                               Conventional forms of attack do not work on the reanimated. This is for a variety of reasons, some of which i will explain.

-Jujijsu style submissions, joint hyperextensions and pain manipulation fail to succeed on an opponent that does not feel pain or fear. Jujitsu also nessetates getting well within the boundaries of biting range to be desirable, and is often done on the ground (kneeling/ground wrestling). Engaging the undead on the ground is foolhardy due to the fact that they attack in packs, and "newaza" is only effective against singular opponents.

-Striking is also limited against the undead due to their phenomenal pain thresholds. Unless you are Mike Tyson and can sufficiently damage the brain to cause death with a single strike, every extra strike is another step the horde will take towards you. If you have the room to strike a zombie, why wouldnt you reach for your machete? there are also peripheral risks involved such as possible abraision of your skin whilst striking, which will infect you (on the assumption this IS an infection and not something paranormal...?). Wearing boxing gloves may assuage this risk, but also negate your abillty to grasp weapons, which will be infinitely more useful than fists.

-Zombies often move in hordes that outnumber living assailants 100-1 (as a conservative estimate...). The time it takes to despach one is long enough for the rest to advance on your position. Utilizing any hand to hand technique that takes more than the bare minimum of time and effort to erase the threat of a bite is impractical and dangerous. The only advantages the living have over the dead are agillity and speed. Doing anything that might tire you or make you less agile narrows the only advantage you have over the reanimated. If at all possible play to these strenghts.

2.A Judo Approach To The Current Social Climate
Judo, or "the gentle way" is about manipulating an opponents strength and using it against him/her. Undead strength is negligible one on one, but in the numbers they congregate in they can exert great forces in one direction. Judo as a dicipline would teach you to utilise this force. This would be done by throwing your opponent to the ground. Whilst doing so would not prevent them from getting up, it would at least buy you some time to get away, or repel a scrabbling hand.

Judo teaches 8 points of unbalance ("Kuzushi" Figure 3) to attack from. Whilst this works on conventional conflicts, our assumption must be that your undead assailant would be a member of a massive horde. Therefore, attacking an opponet in any backward direction is only going to be met by a wall of walking dead, and will fail to knock it down( not to mention highly compromising your safety). You must therefore throw your opponent in the direction they are moving in. here are some examples....(all assume righthandedness, inverse if left-handed)
 Ippon Seoi-nage
 Translated into English as " One Armed Shoulder Throw" this is an excellent throw should you have a weapon in one hand. Turn so that the zombie's hips are higher than yours, pick them up, then drop then by twisting your head and shoulders to the left. (note that the last figure on the right's head is pointed away from the undead. This helps create the winding motion nessesary to swing them to the ground, and also keeps your kneck out of biting range.)

Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi
Particularly relevant when a zombie reaches for you "Supporting Foot Lift-Pull Throw" is a good technique for deflecting unwelcome reaching (decomposing) arms. You prop the reanimated with your left foot, and wheel them with both hands (much like the motion of using a steering wheel) over that prop. The advantage of this throw is that it takes minimal effort to do, and is quite effective against a shuffling opponent with failing motor skills. Remember to STEP AWAY QUICKLY from the zombie after throwing!

Yoko Otoshi
Obviously this is a last resort, as the attacker ends up on the ground after throwing. Use this throw only when just about to be bit. Sit down on top of your right foot, and extend your left past the reanimated's feet. This will block them advancing, and your dropping weight will project them over the top of you. The hand movement is much the same as sasae, like a steering wheel. If correctly done you will land on your side, propell yourself up IMMEDIATELY and retreat out of biting range!

3. Judo Limitations On Undead Assailants

Judo is completely reliant upon being able to grip your opponent. Undead skin is not particularly well attached to the corpse and may slip or tear. If in desperation, this is a risk you may not be able to avoid. Try to stay to the ones that wear jackets and long sleeve shirts. Also, it does not address the problem of what to do with the zombie once it has hit the ground. Whilst throwing one will buy you some time, it will not decommision it. TREAT ALL HAND TO HAND COMBAT WITH THE UNDEAD AS A LAST RESORT ONLY! Getting close enough to use such techniques also has such complications as the palatabillity of the air. The stench may stun or otherwise incapacitate a survivor, so be aware of this risk. Make absolutely sure that there are no open wounds (however small) upon your hand when engaing with a zombie in such a way.

Obviously such techniques are not something that can be mastered by casually observing a few pictures. You must train for these technigues daily. Such activity will help you mantain/aquire fitness and morale. Find a teacher if you can, if you can't attempt to follow manuals through a process of trial and error with other survivors. YOU MUST practice this at least 2 hours a day for a month(as a bare minimum!) before you trust your life with your abillity!

(P.S If i can find a surviving teacher i will post videos in due course of some appropriate techniques...)
P.P.S Have a video available! http://s4261233.blogspot.com/2011/08/judo-techniques-against-undead11.html 

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