Friday 5 August 2011

The end of days....

If you can read this you are one of the few. When it happened, it hit hard, and fast. Before 3/08/11, the term "zombie" denoted comedic B grade actors, plastered into cheap make up to fit the criteria as film extras. The reality has happened. Living for three days turns out to be an incredibly strenuous task. If you have lived this long, you understand what precautions need to be taken. Take no chances, and follow this basic advice...
1. Don't go ANYWHERE alone
2. Stay as SILENT as possible
3. Don't move at night, be somewhere SECURE by nightfall.
4. Get SUPPLIES, judging by what i saw of emergency services last night, it could be weeks before a rescue comes.

As more information becomes available, i will post it. We can get through this, Brisbane.


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