Monday 8 August 2011

Bad news...

A medical journal titled 'Infectious Disease Modelling Research Progress" has a chapter entitled "When Zombies Attack!: Mathmatical Modelling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection". This piece was done around 2009, and can be found here .

The mathmatician authors from two Ottowan universities (University of Ottowa, and Carlton University) both concurred that an outbreak would most likely end the human race. Their model was based upon the assumptions that
1. Humans that die can be resurected as zombies, regardless of what the cause of death was.
2. "Zombism" would have a 24 hour gestation period where the individual would not be infectious untill "turning"
3. If a treatment were found it would not make humans immune to the virus.
4. In the early hours of infestation there would be more zombies accrueing than can be disposed of. (which was   certainly true of Brisbane...)
5. Zombies were assumed to be the "slow moving kind"

Their final report indicated that on all their models, with partially successful quarantines (which Brisbane did not have) and immunisations (which again Brisbane did not have) zombies usually outnumbered the living within 5 days and had eradicated all humans by 10 days.

The conclusion stated that humanities only hope for survival nessetated "frequent attacks (upon the undead) with increasing force..." Human resistance has been declining, thus the zombies are likely to be with us long term. Only a massive millitary force will purge this phenomenon now, and it is questionable if such a force is left anywhere on earth. Get comfortable, this is going to last a while....

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